
Longman Academic Writing Series 4:Essays, 5/e

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  • Longman Academic Writing Series 4:Essays, 5/e

    你想了解更多有關[Longman Academic Writing Series 4:Essays, 5/e]的相關資料嗎

    內容簡介   The Longman Academic Writing Series helps students master the academic writing skills needed to succeed in their academic careers. The five-level series spans writing topics from composing sentences to writing research papers. Each level covers the complete writing process from prewriting to revision.

      Level 4 teaches high-intermediate students to write various genres of academic essays. The text's proven approach integrates training in grammar, mechanics, vocabulary, and essay organization along with the writing process.


      •Realistic writing models and systematic practice empower students to write effectively in different genres.
      •Clear explanations help students grasp and apply key concepts.
      •Sentence structure, grammar, and mechanics instruction helps students develop key writing skills.

      New to This Edition

      •New vocabulary sections help students develop language awareness and improve the quality of their writing.
      •A step-by-step approach guides students seamlessly through the writing process.
      •Writing Tips provide useful strategies to enhance students' writing experiemce.
      •Writing Expansions, including journals, summary and response writing, and timed writing, build written fluency, critical thinking, and test-taking skills.
      •A Teacher's Manual at provides teaching suggestions, answer keys, rubrics, and quizzes.


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