輕鬆學漢語:少兒版(練習冊) 1破盤出清

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博客來網路書店也有推薦[輕鬆學漢語:少兒版(練習冊) 1]喔!
“Chinese Made Easy for kids” adopts a new approach to teaching Chinese as a second/foreign language. It is designed for primary school students who start to learn Chinese as total beginners. This series “Chinese Made Easy for kids” (Book 1 to 4) is the foundation course accompanying the series “Chinese Made Easy” (Book 1 to 5) published previously.
“Chinese Made Easy for kids” include 4 books, and each book consists of one textbook and one workbook. After completing this series, learners will be able to write from memory approximately 100 simple characters, recognize over 500 Chinese characters and be able to develop listening a speaking skills from early age.
The focus of this series is: basic knowledge of pinyin, basic knowledge of strokes and stroke order of writing characters, listening and speaking skills, learning Chinese characters for recognition, a lively and free learning atmosphere of Chinese language learning through songs, pictures and story-telling, tasks and activities designed for this age group, and up-to-date topics relevant to primary school students