![Black Cat 優質英語系列 Level 2A](https://imageproxy.pixnet.cc/imgproxy?url=https://im1.book.com.tw/image/getImage?i=http://www.books.com.tw/img/001/033/56/0010335643.jpg&w=348&h=348)
站長推薦-Black Cat 優質英語系列 Level 2A
![Black Cat 優質英語系列 Level 2A](https://imageproxy.pixnet.cc/imgproxy?url=https://xn--jzuv5ptqwbje.tw/yahoo/star4.gif)
![Black Cat 優質英語系列 Level 2A](https://imageproxy.pixnet.cc/imgproxy?url=https://xn--jzuv5ptqwbje.tw/yahoo/%E5%89%8D%E5%BE%80%E8%B3%BC%E8%B2%B7.gif)
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Black Cat English Readers are a series of high quality books published by The Commercial Press. In Black Cat English Readers Level 2, five famous books are included and they are "British and American Festivities", "King Arthur and his Knights", "Oliver Twist", "Oscar Wilde's Short Stories" and "Robin Hood". The texts are rewritten with illustrations which are mostly suitable for beginners and elementary to start their classical English reading in order to upgrade their English. In addition, exercises from PET and KET are included and all books have sections that explore themes and elements of social, historical and cultural interest that emerge from the texts. Also, the recording which accompanies all the texts uses a variety of voice and accents from Britain or America, making reading become funny and interesting.
《Black Cat英語階梯閱讀》為商務印書館以Q為標誌的“優質英語學習”品牌其下的一個獨立系列。本套裝包括《英美節慶趣話》、《亞瑟王和他的圓桌武士》、《苦海孤雛》、《王爾德短篇故事》及《羅賓漢》五本世界名著。內容經改寫後更生動有趣,特別適合初、中級程度讀者作為閱讀經典文學入門之用。書後練習可助讀者了解故事內容,逐步提升英語。配以豐富彩色插圖、原聲CD及專門章節介紹Author和文化等相關背景資料,令讀者不但可以擴闊視野,更能增添閱讀樂趣。