
Macmillan(Intermediate): A Kiss Before Dying+3CDs

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Macmillan(Intermediate): A Kiss Before Dying+3CDs網友評鑑5顆星

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  • 定價:240
  • 優惠價:95228

  • Macmillan(Intermediate): A Kiss Before Dying+3CDs

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    內容簡介 Romance, Crime/Detection & Adventure/Thriller/Spy A powerful, hard-hitting adult story of murder and suspense by one of America's foremost novelists, which since its publication in 1954, has been made into several very successful feature films. A young man, finding out that his girlfriend is pregnant, cold-bloodedly adjusts his plans for marrying into a hugely wealthy and influential industrialist family. Throughout his life he has used his intelligence, good manners, charm, striking good looks, and as a last resort, his ruthless and violent strength, to achieve what he wants, and he refuses to be thwarted now.


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