
Macmillan(Elementary): Seven Stories of Mystery and Horror+2CDs

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Macmillan(Elementary): Seven Stories of Mystery and Horror+2CDs網友評鑑4顆星

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  • 定價:210
  • 優惠價:95200

  • Macmillan(Elementary): Seven Stories of Mystery and Horror+2CDs

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    內容簡介 Seven stories of mystery and horror by the master storyteller of the nineteenth century. THE PIT AND THE PENDULUM A prisoner wakes up to find himself in a dark cell with a deep pit. THEGOLDBUG A golden insect leads to an incredible discovery. THE FACTS IN THE CASE OF MR VALDEMAR A patient is hypnotised minutes before he dies. Is he really dead? THE FALL OFTHE HOUSE OF USHER A man visits an old friend and finds himself in a house full of horrors! DOWN IN THE MAELSTRÖM A sailor describes a terrifying trip though the maelstrom. THE MASQUE OFTHE RED DEATH Prince Prospero hás a party in his castle. But no one can escape the red death—not even a prince! THE OBLONG BOX A traveller boards a ship to New York. What does he carry in the oblong box?

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