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  • 優質英語階梯閱讀1A



      The Darling children's amazing adventure begins when Peter Pan flies into their nursery and whisks them off to his Neverland. There they meet Peter's friends, the Lost Boys. But James Hook, the cruel captain of the pirates, soon captures them. Can Peter Pan save them before Captain Hook makes them walk the plank?

      Peter Pan 《小飛俠》在四季如春的永無鄉,小飛俠和一群流浪兒快樂地生活。一天,小飛俠遇見美麗善良的女孩溫迪和她的兄弟,他們和邪惡的海盜頭子展開戰鬥。小飛俠最後贏了。溫迪與親人重聚,流浪兒找到新家,小飛俠卻重回永無鄉,繼續那永遠青春的神話。

      Zorro, the legendary masked hero of Spanish California. He is a champion of justice and an expert with the sword. He is invincible as he defies corrupt politicians and defends the oppressed.

      Zorro! 《蒙面俠梭羅》外號梭羅的蒙面俠客身手敏捷、神出鬼沒。每當有不正義之事發生時,他都會身戴著黑色面具,以手中利劍儆惡懲奸。不過刀光劍影外,梭羅也有鐵血男兒的俠骨柔情。家喻戶曉的俠客,傳奇般的經歷深為人們喜愛。

      Enjoy three of America's most-loved folk tales of the 1800s! Meet Johnny Appleseed who planted apple seeds across America. Find out how Pecos Bill became king of the Cowboys of Texas. Visit a Southern plantation and laugh with cunning Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox.

      American Folk Tales 《美國民間故事》本書收錄了美國三則民間故事:,及。裡的約翰充滿愛心,為荒涼之地送來蘋果籽和圖書;描述狼孩比爾成長為牛仔王的傳奇經歷;則是兔子智斗狐狸的故事。有趣內容充分展現美國人幽默熱情的性格。

      Davy Crockett 《大衛克羅傳》大衛克羅是美國19世紀的英雄。他英勇善戰。起初他以英國人和印地安人為敵,其後,他改變了對印地安人的看法,轉而競選國會議員,為他們爭取權益。最後,他參加了與墨西哥的戰役,苦戰無援,殉城而亡。 他留給後世的名言是:"永遠相信你是對的,然後行動起來!"

      Pocahontas is the touching story of an Indian princess whose courage saved a white man's life. No one could have imagined that Pocahontas would be the first Indian to marry a white man!

      The True Story of Pocahontas 《風中奇緣》《寶嘉康蒂是印地安一個部落首領的女兒。一天,白人探險家來到她的家鄉。父親 和族人仇恨外來者,只有她向白人伸出友愛之手,兩次拯救了史密斯上尉。真愛終化解了仇恨,她與白人青年締結良緣。寶嘉康蒂的愛心和勇氣人人稱頌,世代相傳。


      Black Cat English Readers are a series of high quality books published by The Commercial Press. In Black Cat English Readers Level 1, five classical stories are included and they are "Peter Pan", "Zorro", "American Folk Tales", "Davy Crockett" and "The True Story of Pocahontas". The texts are rewritten with illustrations which are mostly suitable for beginners to start reading English classics in order to upgrade their English. In addition, exercises from Cambridge PET (Preliminary English Test) and KET (Key English Test) are included and all books have sections that explore themes and elements of social, historical and cultural interest that emerge from the texts. Also, the recording which accompanies all the texts uses a variety of voices and accents from the U.K. or the U.S. , making reading interesting and practical.

      《Black Cat英語階梯閱讀》為商務印書館以Q為標誌的“優質英語學習”品牌其下的一個獨立系列。本套裝包括《小飛俠》、《蒙面俠梭羅》、《美國民間故事》、《衛克羅傳》及《風中奇緣》五本著名世界童話經典。內容經改寫後更生動有趣,特別適合初、中級英語程度讀者作為閱讀經典文學入門之用並作為閱讀本系列叢書之基礎。書後附有練習可助讀者了解故事內容,逐步提升英語。配以豐富彩色插圖、原聲CD及專門章節介紹Author和文化等相關背景資料,令讀者不但可以擴闊視野,更能增添閱讀樂趣。



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